3D Printer

It was only a matter of time before I had a 3D Printer and I am happy to say that I am a proud owner of a Lulzbolt Taz. I have a found a few differences in modeling for Animation and Printing. The first difference is the small details are not needed in printing. For […]


We all have that one project that sits off to the side. You have a great ideal but it never looks right.  I have this one project I never give up I started it in Lightwave and when I got to the rigging and skinning and quickly decided there had to be an easier way so […]

Dynamics and Importing Objects

A quick post today to share a helpful hint. I planned to texture my Waterfall in Bodypaint but I did not want to texture  before setting up the Dynamics so when I imported the object back int Maya all my passive collision/null was attached to the original and for some reason did not work with […]

Visual Effects

Now that my character is up and walking he is going to get into a lot of trouble.  I’m not sure who is going to make a bigger mess me or him.  Time to dive into Dynamics in Maya because there is going to be an explosion. My new book Creating Visual Effects in Maya […]

Character Rigging

Ok, my new book is read…. Deep Breath Step 1 – Center Character – so far so good Step 2 – make sure you did not apply smoothing.. oh that would have been helpful to know before I smoothed everything Step2a un-smooth everything which is easy enough as long as you did not delete history […]

Why I started my Blog

There has been countless times I have been at the point Google can’t even help me. Why is this not working, this should work so I check Google… tried that, yep tried that that too, and of course I tried that first and it did not work. I have tried everything and it still does […]

Hello world!

Hi, I am a self taught 3D Artist and we all know what that means… I have read a lot of books and I mean a lot of books.  I started with Photoshop then worked my way through a mountain of Flash books then read probably every book on Lightwave until I  told myself I […]